75 Ways to get broke when travelling

How to Get Broke While Traveling: A Hilariously Unwise Guide

Have you ever dreamed of seeing the world, only to realize that your bank account is shrinking faster than a snowman in the Sahara? Well, you’re in luck! This guide is your golden ticket to mastering the art of financial folly while globe-trotting.

From splurging on unnecessary luxuries to making impulsive decisions that would make your accountant weep, we’ll show you all the best ways to turn your dream trip into a hilariously expensive misadventure. Buckle up, because we’re about to take you on a wild ride through the do’s and don’ts (mostly don’ts) of travel spending.

Let’s get started!

The allure of luxury

First-Class Flights: always opt for first-class tickets, regardless of the distance. The comfort and complimentary champagne might be worth it, but your bank account will feel the turbulence.

Five-Star Hotels: refuse to stay anywhere less than five-star accommodations. The high-end amenities and room service will drain your funds quickly.

Eating your way to bankruptcy

Fine dining every meal: insist on eating at Michelin-starred restaurants for every meal. The exquisite cuisine and hefty bills will ensure you’re dining on a budget soon enough.

Exotic Ingredients: always choose dishes with the most exotic and expensive ingredients. Truffles, caviar, and rare wines will make your meals memorable and your wallet empty.

Souvenir splurges

Buying authentic art: purchase expensive, authentic art and antiques as souvenirs. Shipping these items home will add another layer of cost.

Designer shopping sprees: Spend lavishly on designer clothes and accessories in every city. The latest fashion trends come with a high price tag.

Over-the-top experiences

Private tours and guides: Always hire private guides and opt for exclusive tours. Personalized experiences come at a premium.

Helicopter rides and yacht rentals: Choose the most extravagant modes of transportation for sightseeing. Helicopter rides and yacht rentals are sure to make a dent in your savings.

Impulsive decisions

Last-Minute bookings: Make all your travel arrangements at the last minute. The convenience will cost you significantly more.

Changing plans frequently: Constantly change your travel plans and destinations. Cancellation fees and rebooking charges will quickly add up.

Ignoring local advice

Tourist Traps: Stick to well-known tourist traps and ignore local recommendations. These places often have inflated prices.

Overpriced Tours: Book tours through third-party agencies instead of directly with local operators. Middlemen fees can be exorbitant.

Financial missteps

Currency Exchange at Airports: Exchange money at airports where the rates are the highest

Unnecessary upgrades

Renting luxury cars: Always rent the most luxurious car available. The cost of renting a high-end vehicle, along with insurance and fuel, will quickly add up.

Suite Upgrades: Upgrade to the presidential suite or the most expensive room available at every hotel. The extra space and amenities come at a premium price.

Overpacking and excess baggage

Excess baggage fees: Pack more than you need and pay for excess baggage. The fees for overweight luggage can be surprisingly high.

Shipping items home: Frequently ship items home that you can’t fit in your luggage. International shipping costs can be exorbitant.

Ignoring Travel Insurance

Skipping Insurance: Forget travel insurance and pay out-of-pocket for any mishaps. Medical emergencies, lost luggage, or trip cancellations can be very costly without insurance.

Paying for medical expenses: In case of illness or injury, paying for medical treatment abroad without insurance can lead to substantial expenses.

Falling for Scams

Tourist scams: Fall for common tourist scams, such as overpriced taxi rides, fake tour guides, or buying counterfeit goods. These can quickly deplete your funds.

ATM Fees and exchange rates: Use ATMs frequently and ignore the fees. Also, exchange money at poor rates without comparing options.

Unplanned Adventures

Spontaneous Excursions: Book spontaneous, unplanned adventures and excursions. Last-minute bookings are usually more expensive.

Extended Stays: Extend your stay in expensive cities on a whim. Additional nights in high-cost areas can quickly add up.

Overindulgence in nightlife

VIP Clubbing: Spend nights at exclusive clubs and always opt for VIP service. Bottle service and entrance fees can be extremely high. Have a look here for the most expensive VIP clubs in the world.

Gambling: Indulge in gambling at casinos. The thrill of the game can lead to significant financial losses.

Tech and connectivity costs

International Roaming: Use your home country’s SIM card and incur high international roaming charges. Data usage abroad can be very expensive.

Buying gadgets: Purchase the latest travel gadgets and electronics

High-Cost activities

Extreme Sports: Participate in expensive extreme sports like skydiving, scuba diving, or hot air ballooning. These activities often come with high price tags.

Exclusive events: Attend exclusive events, concerts, or festivals that require expensive tickets and possibly travel to remote locations.

Premium experiences

Spa treatments: Indulge in high-end spa treatments and wellness retreats. The cost of luxury spas can add up quickly.

Gourmet cooking classes: Enroll in gourmet cooking classes or wine tastings. These unique experiences often come with a hefty price.

Inefficient Planning

Peak season travel: Travel during peak season when prices for flights, accommodation, and activities are at their highest.

Ignoring discounts: Ignore available discounts, deals, or loyalty programs that could save you money.

Overpriced transportation

Private jets: Charter a private jet for your travels. The convenience and luxury come at an astronomical cost.

Luxury train journeys: Opt for luxury train journeys that provide an opulent experience but are significantly more expensive than regular travel options.


Multiple accommodations: Book multiple accommodations for the same dates just to have options. Non-refundable bookings will lead to wasted money.

Overlapping activities: Schedule overlapping activities or tours, resulting in paying for experiences you can’t fully enjoy or attend.

Currency mismanagement

Frequent Currency Exchanges: Exchange small amounts of money frequently instead of larger sums, leading to repeated transaction fees.

Using Credit Cards with High Fees: Use credit cards that charge high foreign transaction fees and cash advance fees.

Unnecessary Services

Concierge services: Frequently use concierge services for bookings and recommendations, which can come with additional service charges.

Laundry services: Use hotel laundry services instead of finding more affordable local options.

Over-the-Top Celebrations

Extravagant celebrations: Plan extravagant celebrations for holidays, birthdays, or anniversaries while traveling, opting for the most lavish options available.

Destination weddings: Plan a destination wedding or attend multiple destination weddings, incurring high travel and tropical destination

Frequent travel mistakes

Missing Flights: Miss flights due to poor planning or overestimating your travel time. Rebooking last-minute flights can be extremely costly.

Overpaying for convenience: Always opt for the most convenient options, like airport lounges, express check-ins, and expedited services, which often come with high fees.

Unnecessary memberships

Exclusive Clubs: Join exclusive travel clubs or memberships that promise luxury perks and benefits but come with high annual fees.

Frequent Flyer Programs: Pay for premium frequent flyer programs that you don’t use enough to justify the cost.

Overly generous tipping

Excessive tipping: Tip excessively in every situation, far beyond the local customs and norms. While generosity is good, overdoing it can quickly add up.

Bribery for better Service: Offer bribes to get better service or upgrades, which can become a costly habit.

Ignoring local transportation

Avoiding Public Transport: Avoid using affordable public transportation and always opt for taxis or ride-sharing services, which can be much more expensive.

Private transfers: Use private transfer services for every leg of your journey, even when cheaper options are available.

Health and wellness

High-End fitness centers: Purchase short-term memberships at high-end fitness centers or wellness clubs while traveling.

Personal Trainers: Hire personal trainers or wellness coaches for private sessions during your trips.

Technology and gadgets

Renting gadgets: Rent high-end gadgets like drones, cameras, or portable Wi-Fi devices instead of using what you already have or finding cheaper alternatives.

Frequent device upgrades: Continuously upgrade to the latest travel gadgets and devices, even when your current ones are still functional.

Overindulgence in cultural activities

Exclusive performances: Buy tickets for exclusive performances, operas, or theater shows that are priced at a premium.

Private Art Tours: Book private art gallery or museum tours, which can be significantly more expensive than regular admission.

Overpacking and gear

High-end luggage: Invest in high-end, designer luggage

Unnecessary comforts

Excessive room service: Rely heavily on room service for meals and other needs. The convenience comes with a high price tag.

Luxury lounges: spend extra money on access to luxury airport lounges, even for short layovers.

Overpaying for convenience

Express services: Pay for express services like expedited visas, fast-track security, and customs clearance.

Personal assistants: Hire personal travel assistants or concierges to manage your travel itinerary and bookings.

Over-the-top celebrations

Destination parties: Host destination parties for friends and family, covering travel and accommodation expenses for multiple people.

Extravagant gifts: Buy extravagant gifts for people you meet during your travels, including expensive local crafts and jewelry.

Unnecessary purchases

Duplicate items: Buy items you forgot to pack, even if you already own them at home, leading to unnecessary expenses.

Trendy gadgets: Purchase trendy travel gadgets and accessories that you don’t really need or use.

Ignoring budget options

Avoiding hostels: Refuse to stay in budget accommodations like hostels or guesthouses, opting only for high-end hotels.

Bypassing local eateries: Avoid local eateries and street food, choosing only high-end restaurants.

High-Cost communication

International calls: Make frequent international calls instead of using cheaper communication options like messaging apps.

Data Roaming: Use data roaming extensively instead of purchasing a local SIM card or using Wi-Fi.

Overly ambitious itineraries

Too many destinations: Plan overly ambitious itineraries with too many destinations, leading to high transportation and accommodation costs.

Short stays: Stay for very short periods in each location, which can result in higher costs for transportation and last-minute bookings.

Overly cautious spending

Overbuying insurance: Purchase multiple types of travel insurance that overlap in coverage, leading to unnecessary expenses.

Excessive safety gear: Buy excessive amounts of safety gear and equipment for every possible scenario.

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